Basically this blog is about inconsiderate and immature people.
First: People who have nothing better to do with their lives than to TRY to make me jealous, mad, upset, or they're just trying to get a reaction out of me. We're not in high school anymore, stop acting like that's where you belong. If you have nothing better to do than to TRY and make me feel those things and spread rumors (most of them likely untrue) about me then you are far too immature for me to even care about. If I have a problem with you, I'm more likely to say it to your face or hide my feelings in a personal blog/note that only I can see. If we have mutual friends, I don't play tug of war with them. They can be friends with you all they want, I don't spread rumors.
Second: People who think I don't treat my boyfriend right. We've been together for a little over 2 1/2 years now, if I didn't treat him well do you really think he'd still be with me? Or that I would still be with him? I treat everyone with the respect they deserve. Tyler treats me incredibly well therefore I return that behavior. I listen to his problems, support his goals in life, appreciate that he's in school and help him with as much as I can. I DO treat my boyfriend well so don't think he can't "put up with me" or stand our relationship.
Third: People who lie to me. If there's one type of person I had to choose is the worst of the worst is the liar. Especially when its friends who lie. Telling me you'd rather be alone at the moment and then go off with a heard of other friends is totally unacceptable in the friendship handbook. Another situation is planning to hang out with me and blowing me off with excuses of "I forgot" or "I just got busy all of a sudden" is totally not ok. You've already made an agenda with me in it, stick to it. I have ditched the worst friend offender I've encountered in my day, don't make me do it to you too.
Fourth: People who think they deserve respect by authority. Like I said before, I treat everyone with the respect I feel they deserve. I determine this respect by how you treat me. Respect isn't something you get just because you're a parent, older sister/brother, aunt/uncle, or even a grandparent. You have to earn it from me. I'm not going to dispose of my good nature to someone who rarely shows me the same.
Fifth: People who think I enjoy drama. I don't, I hate it. I have accepted that any negative emotion that is generated in my thoughts and feelings is generated by me and me only. I know that I choose to be unhappy with certain events or actions. I know that this blog is due to my own feelings. No one can inflict you with a negative feeling. It is your choice. I acknowledge this but to assume that I like feeling this way is wrong. I think that these realizations of feelings is a pretty great triumph on my part considering everything I have encountered in my life. Not saying I've had the worst life on the planet but I know most 20-year-olds haven't encountered the problems I have. The problems in which I refer is my parents. They're not in the best of health and since I was 12 I've had to deal with the constant doctor's visits and surgeries my mother has had to endure and we all know my dad fell 20 ft but what most peope don't realize is I was only 16 and a sophmore in high school. I've got better and more important things to worry about in my life than drama. I don't need it; I don't want it. My status updates on facebook are of my own feelings. You don't know what's happened to make me feel that way, so don't automatically assume its because of some stupid fight I've had with somone else. Most times its far more personal than that.
So for future reference don't do any of these things or you'll end up on my list :P
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