So Dad went out of town Monday, October 3rd. That was the day after I broke up with my boyfriend. Dad has been gone since that time on a trip to Idaho. Kind of poor timing on my part with the whole boyfriend situation and all but it is what it is right? Anywho... Its been a lonely but growing experience for me. Over the last 10 days I've learned to manage my negative feelings and to keep myself above water. Of course I've had friends to rely on (Thank heavens!) but for the most part I've been spending a lot of time alone.
I've really gotten to know myself over Dad's vacation. I can really see the things I need to improve on and the things I love about myself. I love how stubborn I am. I don't know why but I love it. I like that I can play piano or guitar for hours and learn new songs. I love that I am capable of entertaining myself. At the same time, I need to improve how I receive other people's feelings, become more motivated, and really push forward with my life. For the most part, I kinda like me. Its a strange and new feeling for me.
Of course I'm not completely over the sadness that comes with a break-up but the only thing that cures that is time. Its not the most pleasant of feelings but there's not much you can do but ride it out; remembering the good times but considering the bad as well. I do love him still and I do miss him, but being together isn't what is going to make our lives successful right now. I just need to grow from the experience. I'll get by with a little help from my friends ;P- Gotta love The Beatles!
Although I've really grown over this time I've had to myself, I think I'm ready to have my Dad back home. I really missed not being able to see him :(
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