Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sprained Ankle

So on Thursdays and Tuesdays I have a regular babysitting schedule. This past Thursday I was walking down their some-what steep steps and as I was coming to the last step I turned my foot in and sprained my ankle. My body did a kind of spin on that ankle as it was turned sideways so it damaged the muscles pretty bad. My mom rushed me to Insta-Care but unfortunately Insta-Care isn't so much Insta as it is Care. We were there for about 2 hours just for them to tell me that I had a sprained ankle and gave me a list of things to take care of it that I had already known since this is not the first experience with spraining my ankle. The swelling has gone down quite a bit but it's still bulging and sort of disfigured. The bruising makes it look far worse than it really is but I definitely sprained my ankle worse than I did last time. I hate being the gimp :(